
VIDEO | Towards the Sun by Rick Mereki #breathtaking #vimeo

VIDEO | Towards the Sun by Rick Mereki #breathtaking #vimeo

  Last month I ran across a vimeo by Rick Mereki called Move. In February he added "Towards the Sun". If you ever imagined some of the most breathtaking moments of seeing the sun, this video filmed in the Canary Islands, captures them. Take a moment, and enjoy the view. Kudos to #RickMereki .  […]
Friday night Netflix: Bridegroom, previously debuted at Tribeca Film Festival

Friday night Netflix: Bridegroom, previously debuted at Tribeca Film Festival

Watched Bridegroom on Netflix (streaming = free) this evening after hearing a bit about it from colleagues and remember the youtube video that started it. Bill Clinton introduced Bridegroom at the Tribeca Film Festival. This is really -- on one level -- a wonderful, sad, heartbreaking yet exhilarating and life affirming story, and on another level it's a story about our nation's struggle to make one more step in forming a more perfect union, for which marriage is both the symbol and substance," […]
Trust me, on the Sunscreen; Does History Repeat Itself?

Trust me, on the Sunscreen; Does History Repeat Itself?

Quote someone shared "those who fail to study history are forced to repeat it. Those who do study history are forced to sit helplessly as they watch others around them repeat it" #true The conversation brought the Everybody's Free (to where sunscreen) song to mind. I looked into a bit of the history of the words and found it to be more rich then just lyrics created for a song.[…]