Postcards 4 Parker

7 Days Since Jet Drag, A Blank Stare #JetDrag

7 Days Since Jet Drag, A Blank Stare #JetDrag

It have reached a solid  brain block in deciphering what and when to compose next. All too often a very familiar trait I have learned of myself is that something which should be simple my mind sees it as quite the opposite.  Overthinking, perhaps something with photos, screenshots, outputs, what else more? Do I need to write a longer post to appease people and keep them interested? Can I post an update about #theHumanElement out of sequence to the other happenings in my life? What I ca[…]
ACTION! Postcards 4 Parker, Relay 4 Life Challenge #Pulling4Parker

ACTION! Postcards 4 Parker, Relay 4 Life Challenge #Pulling4Parker

( PLEASE SHARE THIS POST - ) In March, Jane Mitchell an Atlanta based flight attendant, kicked off fundraising for the annual Delta Airlines Jet Drag team benefiting Relay for Life. Jane’s donation link: .  What is a Jet Drag? A Jet Drag lasts only seconds involving a team of 20 people tugging on a rope to get a 757 to move a set distance. The 757 is my top domestic plane for her design, speed, power and climb.   Delta has 9 variants of the 757-[…]