Monday Motivation



Returning to Yoga last month has improved my physical but even more, my spiritual health. Each journey was concluding with food for thought leaving my mind racing. Yesterday, Tricia shared the intention, "Clarity." Clarity defined as; the quality of being clear, in particular. the quality of coherence and intelligibility. The quality of being easy to see or hear; sharpness of image or sound. With each movement, I continued to remind and reinforce, Clarity. The class ended, but the journey conclu[…]
An Apology to the Sun, God Moments, Day In The Life

An Apology to the Sun, God Moments, Day In The Life

The long haul flight boredom helped me discover the sitcom Jane the Virgin. For those who have not watched the series, the name may perplex you. The show about a mistake impregnating has light humor and enjoyable moments when Jane’s imagination takes over. A snippet of a short sponsored by Wells Fargo aired on TV which I curiously went online to see the complete version. Wells Fargo? This is an ad campaign with Wells Fargo sewn throughout but, I was wrong. For those on my Facebook, I have highli[…]
The perfect piece of art, a song, and a napkin #MondayMotivation #Music #theHumanElement

The perfect piece of art, a song, and a napkin #MondayMotivation #Music #theHumanElement

Over the weekend Nick and I stumbled upon Sugarboo & Co at Town Brookhaven. I entered the store and froze, gazing at a piece of art while a song (Spotify: Heartbeats; Jose Gonzalez ) hit my heart giving me a sense of calm. A minute... or two passed, unaware of the price I grabbed the art and gave it to the employee to purchase it. This store has incredible things, all unique, many intricate things that you cannot find anywhere else. This new addition to the house needed to be in the heart of[…]
If not me, then who, if not now, when? #MondayMotivation #MakeItHappen

If not me, then who, if not now, when? #MondayMotivation #MakeItHappen

I experienced unexpected challenges during my host provider change the last two weeks. The kinks worked out, the site now loads in 1/3rd the time. Now back to the good stuff... Happy Monday!  Can you believe that we are in June already? The many times I discounted my father's wisdom,  time flies quickly as we get older... He was right. For several months I sought out paths for a "creative" avenue, I pondered art classes to take, things to study but nothing resonated to my core. Thinking back to […]
How One Restless Night Changed My Life #theHumanElement

How One Restless Night Changed My Life #theHumanElement

Mantra: man-tra (noun) - (Originally in Hinduism and Buddhism) A word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation. A Vedic hymn a statement or slogan repeated frequently I often thought the phrase Happy Monday was an oxymoron. For those in the corporate world, it's the start of the work week and conclusion of the short two day break. The past thirty days has forever changed my perspective on life which will continue to ignite my pursuit in the better of humanity.  People […]
A 2 Minute Journey Along Moon River #mo·ti·va·tion #Monday #spotify

A 2 Minute Journey Along Moon River #mo·ti·va·tion #Monday #spotify

Motivation: Mo-ti-va-tion - The general desire or willingness of someone to do something. Today I ask for 2 minutes of your time in a challenge to motivate you to connect your mind with your body.   I remember my first flight to Europe, 1996 JFK-FRA on Delta Air Lines. Filled with excitement to arrive in Europe, experience such a larger jet, I found myself gazing outside the window for hours. Mid flight I noticed the ocean far below us lit by a beautiful full moon over the Atlantic. Thinkin[…]